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Visitors 1079

90036 passes Carnforth on 17.12.13 with its Shieldmuir to Warrington Mails.66138s train is loaded at Peak Forest on waits for its train to be loaded as 66097 waits departure at Peak Forest.A few mins later and 60015 passes Chinley with the empties from Pendleton.60079 passes Chinley on 11.12.13 with the Oakleigh to Tunstead.60007 heads past Chinley on 11.12.13 with the Peak Forest to Hope street.90036 heads past Carnforth on 5.12.13 with a Shieldmuir to Warrington extra mail.90036 crew changes at Preston on 3.12.13 with a extra Warrington to Shieldmuir mail.67026 heads away from Carnforth with the Royal train and nto the Cumbrian Coast.67006 arrives at Carnforth on 14.11.13 with the Royal Train.66125 passes through Carnforth with the Bescot Crane that had rerailed the nukes at Barrow.Old and New liveries at Edinburgh Waverley with 90036 & 67020 in between sleeper duties on 12.9.1359201 passes  Pouparts Jc nr Clapham Jc as 66702 waits with a Westbourne Park to Northfleet train.59201 threads through Clapham Junc on 4.9.13 with a Ardingly to Hither Green empty stone train.66088 heads over Arten Gill viaduct on  31.8.13 with a Drax to Carlisle service.66185 heads over Carlisle Bridge with the Margam limes on 7.8.131M03 Shieldmuir to Warrington mail heads over Carlisle Bridge on 7.8.1367026 heads away from Carnforth to Oxenholme for the second time on passes Carnforth with the Irvine bound clays on departs from Carnforth on 17.7.13 with the Royal train to Oxenholme.