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Visitors 65

60044 passes Daresbury on 15.12.21 with the 09.30 Arpley to Tunstead empties.60066 passes Ribblehead on 21.10.21 with its Newbiggin to Tees Dock empties.60044 passes Dent Head on 8.10.21 with the empty Gypsum.90024 passes Yealand with 4M25 Mossend to Daventry on passes Searchlight lane Jc on 6.9.21 with the 10.34 Southampton Eastern Docks to Halewood.66160 heads through the Lune Gorge on 24.8.21 with the Seaforth to Mossend liner.90037 & 90020 pass Yealand on 22.7.21 with 4M25 Mossend to Daventry.90026 & 90024 pass Yealand on 5.5.21 with 4M25 Mossend Daventry.60092 works the 07.15 Lindsey to Kingsbury Oil train past Sawley on 22.4.2166197 passes Cossington on 22.4.21 with 20.20 Dowlow  to Ely Mlf Papworth Sidings.66142 approaches Blea Moor Tunnel on 15.4.21 with its Newbiggin to Tees Dock empty Gypsum.66067passes over Lobb mill Viaduct with the Wilton to Knowsley bins.66097 heads away from Carnforth on 25.2.21 with 4S38 Seaforth to Mossend.66109 heads off Ribblehead viaduct with its Newbiggin to Tees Yard empty Gypsum,66109 heads off Ribblehead viaduct with its Newbiggin to Tees Yard empty Gypsum,