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Visitors 811

325006,003 & 008 pass  Woodhouse on 11.12.12 with 1S07 Willesden to Shieldmuir.325014,004 & 007 pass  Beckfoot on 7.12.12 with 1M23 Shieldmuir - Willesden.66194 passes Barnetby on 23.11.12 as the sunsets.60054 passes Knabbs Bridge on 23.11.12 with a Kingsbury to Humber empty oil service.66142 passes Knabbs Bridge on 23.11.12 with the other Ore train.66125 passes Knabbs Bridge on 23.11.12 with a coal servics.60035 passes Croxton on 23.11.12 with a Immingham to Santon Ore train.66116 & 60017 pass Hatfield & Stainforth  with a Scunthorpe to Doncaster and Toton engineers.66008 departs from Workington Docks on & 67004 pass Carnforth with 6C02 to Carlisle.66174 heads back to Carlisle yard with the last portion on 9.10.12 nr Carlisle.The train comes from Carlisle 3 times with 6 tanks each run.66174 arrives at Dalston on 9.10.12 with the final portion of the oil train from Grangemouth.92011/025 & 027 pass  Elmsfield on 11.7.12 agin on test from Warrington to Carlisle.92s back on test!! 92011/025/027 & 019 pass Carnforth on 10.7.12 with a Warrington to Carlisle run.92025/011/019 & 027 pass Hest Bank on 9.7.12 with a Carlisle to Warrington test run.60049 waits for its train to load at Shap Quarry on waits for its train to load at Shap Quarry on 28.6.12. 92012 still sits in the loops behind.60049 moves foward after the first 4 wagons had been loaded at Shap Quarry.66198 passes Bay Horse on 25.6.12 with 6V71 Carlisle to Margam.